Trauma may be thought of as, “What happens to a person where there is either too much too soon, too much for too long, or not enough for too long” - Steven Porges

"Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world."¹ – Gabor Maté

  • Do you find it difficult to trust other people or feel safe?

  • Do you feel disconnected from yourself, unable to connect with yourself and others? 

This unprocessed pain you carry can affect how you live life in the present. Maybe the effects of trauma are subtle—you live with a chronic sense of sadness, but you can’t pinpoint why. Or perhaps you experience more overt symptoms like recurrent nightmares or flashbacks of the traumatic event where it feels like it’s still happening in the present moment. 

Because you never know when you will be confronted with the people, places, or events that remind you of the traumatic event, you might limit your time outside of the house, leading to isolation and loneliness. It might be hard for you to build trust with other people or forge close relationships because you don’t perceive the world as a safe place.

You may be frequently irritable or find that it’s hard to focus, which affects your productivity at work. Your negative self-perception may have left you feeling hopeless and disconnected from your life. Deep down, it might feel you’ll never summon the confidence you need to face your fears and fulfill your dreams. 

Fortunately, trauma therapy can help you heal from your emotional wounds so that you can turn away from anger and fear and feel safe and trusting again.

Do I have to talk about my traumatic experience to process the pain?

Although telling your story can be an effective part of trauma treatment, you don’t have to verbally share your experience in detail if it is too painful. Instead, we can process the emotions associated with the event, examine the core beliefs you made up about yourself as a result, and  allow self-compassion to replace self-judgment. When you learn to reinterpret the event and accept your responses to it without judgment, you can begin the healing process. 

It’s Possible To Feel Safe In The World Again

Through talking and developing a safe therapeutic relationship together we can help you experience trust in yourself and others, enable you to respond to situations vs. react. For a free, 20-minute consultation, please contact me.