Do you feel emotionally shut down, like you are emotionally hibernating?

  • Do you feel sad and hopeless and unable to summon any interest in the activities that you used to bring you joy?

  • Do you avoid others as a way of shielding them from the pain you’re in? 

You might feel a profound emptiness that permeates every aspect of your life, making it difficult to function. It’s hard to go to work, either because you can’t get out of bed or—once you get there—can’t focus and lack the energy to execute tasks. You may feel indecisive and irritable and wonder what the point of anything is. Perhaps suicidal ideation enters your thoughts.

Basic methods of hygiene—like showering—might seem overwhelming when you feel worthless, flat, and lack the motivation to complete such tasks. While you may be struggling to appear like you have it all together, you clearly don’t and no longer possess the energy to put on an act around other people. Instead, you’ve become isolated from family, friends, and the world in general. Additionally, your despondency might be putting a strain on your relationship with your partner. They feel frustrated and helpless because you are inconsolable or emotionally unavailable. 

Perhaps you feel guilty for feeling as low as you do. Maybe you can’t figure out why you’re so sad because nothing has happened to you to warrant feeling this way. Because your sadness doesn’t make sense to you and feels too confusing to sort through, you further withdraw from your emotions, which only makes you even more depressed. 

Fortunately, it is possible to feel joy and regain the energy and motivation you have lost. Therapy for depression can restore meaning and connection in your life and allow you to start feeling like yourself again.

How will depression therapy help when everything feels so hopeless?

Sometimes, when you learn the facts about depression, it can help you lift the veil of sadness and despondency you’ve been feeling. It’s comforting to realize that you are not the only person experiencing this. There are many other people out there dealing with depression who are also learning how they can transcend it. I want to offer you hope and help you move through depression.

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If I need medication, will you prescribe it for me?

Prescribers—not therapists—have the ability to prescribe medication. I work with several prescribers and, depending on your specific needs, can refer you to the appropriate one if you decide medication would be beneficial to your recovery. Prior to making this decision, we can discuss the questions you have about medication, such as how long you may need to take it and the side effects you may experience. We can also explore the perceptions you have surrounding medication to make sure you’re comfortable with taking it.

I don’t have time for Therapy.

Attending therapy is time worth making for yourself. I offer teletherapy several days a week, which can save you from having to drive to and from my office. I can attest that virtual sessions are as intimate and rewarding as in-person visits. The convenience of attending therapy from the comfort of your own home when treating depression can make all the difference in getting help.  

There’s Hope For A New Way Of Living Without Depression

You possess the tools heal yourself and move through depression. I have walked in your shoes and want to help you use those tools to your advantage and reconnect with joy. For a free, 20-minute consultation to learn more about depression treatment, please visit my contact page.