Are You Overwhelmed By Your Anxious Thoughts?

  • Does your mind constantly race with worrisome thoughts?

  • Is it difficult for you to calm down once you become anxious?

  • Do you wish you were free from anxiety so you could live without fear and self-doubt?

Maybe you have trouble sleeping because your mind races with catastrophic images or painful memories that play over and over on a loop. If your sleep is disrupted, you might feel irritable or have difficulty concentrating during the day. You may feel overwhelmed by simple tasks—perhaps even your self-care has suffered.

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The intense fear and physical discomfort you experience may seem inescapable. Perhaps you get jittery whenever you anticipate an upcoming event or appointment—even a conversation. Because you were tense and on edge for so long leading up to it, you feel exhausted afterward. 

This could be one of the reasons why you avoid social gatherings or have trouble performing your job. Your fear of rejection, humiliation, or embarrassment causes so much stress that it’s easier to avoid these situations altogether. And when you withdraw from these obligations, it negatively impacts your personal relationships and interactions at work.

Maybe you lack self-confidence and often second-guess yourself, which impedes your decision-making. Instead, you feel frozen in place with no clear direction, powerless to even begin addressing your anxious thoughts.

Fortunately, treatment for anxiety can help you understand why you are anxious and teach you ways to manage your symptoms. You can breathe easier and approach situations without the constant tension and worry that you once felt.

Anxiety Treatment Can Help You Remain In The Present Moment Without Fear 

The paradox of anxiety is that the more you resist it, the more it persists. To loosen the cycle of anxiety, you must first understand that the way you react to your stress can intensify it and increase its duration, which in turn causes further distress. In therapy, you will learn how to pay attention to your body’s responses and embrace them with curiosity and non-judgment rather than try to eliminate them. Once your anxiety is quelled, you can experience the present moment without the worry of the future or ruminations of the past interfering with it. 

Will therapy make my anxiety worse?

Although working with anxiety may initially increase feelings of anxiety, doing so can help reduce it long term. It’s worthwhile to confront the emotions/thoughts/behaviors that keep you stuck in fear so that you can regain a confidence to move towards a life lived with less anxiety.

Is it normal to be Hesitant?

Of course! Talking to a therapist about fears that you may think seem frivolous or irrational can be intimidating. However, I aim to nurture a safe and non-judgmental environment where you will be able to examine the anxiety, define it, and be curious about it without it taking over. You might even learn to enjoy the therapeutic process.

You can live a less anxious life and a more peaceful existence

There is light at the end of the tunnel. With my guidance and support, I can help you understand your anxiety so that it no longer rules your life.  For a free, 20-minute consultation, please visit my contact page.